
The Membership Manager is Deb Gaumond. Please direct questions to:

Applications to be processed should be sent to

New Member

  1. Fill out the application and send it with a CHECK or MONEY ORDER (cash will not be accepted) to the address on the application. You will receive an email when your application is received. For new applications, Application+Orientation Fee is required in addition to your selected range access fees.
  2. The Board of Directors will vote on your application at the next scheduled Board meeting (see Calendar). You will be notified via a second email of the results shortly after.
  3. Once approved, you will receive your credentials (electronic gate badge), gate/door access instructions, and range rules via mail.


Membership year and card access

  1. Membership year is September 1 to August 31. (This covers our Annual Meeting in August and election so we should have all ballots back by then.)

  2. The Renewals will be sent out with the ballot by June 1 to be returned by August 15th.

  3. Renewals returned after September 1 will be allowed a 30 day grace period.

  4. Members who do not renew by September 30th will no longer have access to the club. Cards will be deactivated.

  5. There will be a $20 card reactivation fee. The card will be reactivated upon receipt of payment.

  6. There is a $20 “lost card” fee.

  7. If a member has been inactive for 3 years they will need to reapply as a new member and take orientation again.

  8. Executive, Orientation and Membership Managers reserve the right to make exceptions when there are unique circumstances. All Managers must be notified of all exceptions.

  9. New memberships are accepted year round.

  10. All members will receive a renewal by June 1st.

Guest Policy

See Rules.